Topic Title: Advertising Campaign! (Simple Topic)

Topic starter: justanius

Topic started: 00:45:15 8th Jul 2011

Posts: 0

justanius Posted: 00:45:15 8th Jul 2011

Posts: 37

Topics: 9

Location: United States

Gender: Male

So, there hasn't been a real effort to advertise skylords from the administration in quite some time. So, in order to insure skylords survival, we need to do our own advertising. I've been posting advertisements in gaming forums quite a bit today, and letting friends know. The absolute best way to advertise is by word of mouth, so let your friends know!

I want to make it a competition. If you have people join, you should have them post in a specific thread and let us know who refered them. Possibly if we get donations of resources we could have prizes for first and second place. Also, to help deter multying, have all people who post in that thread check for multying. If they are cought they should be disqualified.

We also need to make sure we're voting as much as possible.

If anyone else has any ideas on ways to advertise, post them here.

AKA DRD, ED... and some other names I can't think of at the moment

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