Topic Title: Quick Language Puzzle (Simple Topic)

Topic starter: Griffin Vengance

Topic started: 10:08:21 8th Jan 2007

Posts: 10 Last post: 17:18:41 9th Jan 2007 by SkillBond

Griffin Vengance Posted: 10:08:21 8th Jan 2007

Posts: 3292

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Location: United Kingdom

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I've done more then one of these, so this will probably not beat the month-long limit of the last one. And I had to help them. :hellno:

veaviai reges necabunt

veaviav sum

TallDude Pray amat

Two languages, three well-known facts. I'll put up more when I can be arsed getting my books.

00:01:23 | Griffin Vengance has been defeated by Shadow Stalker.

Proof that nagging really does work!

SkillBond Posted: 11:37:01 8th Jan 2007

Posts: 89

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ISP: Road Runner

TallDude Pray Gay? :D or something to do with that i know :P

"The best a great offense"

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18:09:12 | Belenkas planet C1 has been captured by SkillBond.
18:09:12 | Belenkas has been defeated by SkillBond.

Mazera DeVille Posted: 12:32:10 8th Jan 2007

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is it frencxh, cos if it is, good luck lol, im crap at it

Griffin Vengance Posted: 12:48:58 8th Jan 2007

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It isn't francais, but ypeek. :)

00:01:23 | Griffin Vengance has been defeated by Shadow Stalker.

Proof that nagging really does work!

Hunted Shadow Posted: 13:11:18 8th Jan 2007

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ypeek is the closest you can get to saying Greek with the normal English characters, y representing gamma and p representing rho... the rest is kind of a given. I don't feel like taking the time to translate them, but it's Greek for anyone who does.

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Griffin Vengance Posted: 14:30:26 8th Jan 2007

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Damn you HS, why'd you have to post? :(

00:01:23 | Griffin Vengance has been defeated by Shadow Stalker.

Proof that nagging really does work!

EL Posted: 14:52:58 8th Jan 2007

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also latin

Shadow Stalker Posted: 17:58:35 8th Jan 2007

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its all dutch to me:D

It's allways been my fault

Alpha Code Posted: 11:45:30 9th Jan 2007

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plus anyone who knows you GV will know that you like to be a smart arse with the greek and ancient greek etc... :P

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Griffin Vengance Posted: 13:39:48 9th Jan 2007

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Yup yup. :D

00:01:23 | Griffin Vengance has been defeated by Shadow Stalker.

Proof that nagging really does work!

SkillBond Posted: 17:18:41 9th Jan 2007

Posts: 89

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Location: United States

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ISP: Road Runner

Pssshh for some weird reason all im seeing is my algebra homework with a bit of spanish class :D

"The best a great offense"

I can give you the moon, stars, and the world.

18:09:12 | Belenkas planet C1 has been captured by SkillBond.
18:09:12 | Belenkas has been defeated by SkillBond.

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