Topic Title: Lapausinka planet 1 zaislas (Simple Topic)
Topic starter: interiority
Topic started: 16:56:29 29th May 2006
Posts: 13 Last post: 19:13:27 29th May 2006 by Dios
interiority | Posted: 16:56:29 29th May 2006 |
Posts: 1238 Topics: 152 Location: Ireland Gender: Male |
come on, someone else must have the coords...
watupdogg | Posted: 16:59:54 29th May 2006 |
Posts: 2391 Topics: 346 Location: Portugal Gender: Male |
good luck with that LOL! |
interiority | Posted: 17:01:29 29th May 2006 |
Posts: 1238 Topics: 152 Location: Ireland Gender: Male |
interiority | Posted: 17:05:57 29th May 2006 |
Posts: 1238 Topics: 152 Location: Ireland Gender: Male |
no, can only guess you typed it in wrong. there's nothing there!
boehm | Posted: 17:07:00 29th May 2006 |
Posts: 1019 Topics: 140 Location: United States Gender: Male |
he was lying
watupdogg | Posted: 17:10:03 29th May 2006 |
Posts: 2391 Topics: 346 Location: Portugal Gender: Male |
ill tell u the coords in 10 minutes |
interiority | Posted: 17:14:18 29th May 2006 |
Posts: 1238 Topics: 152 Location: Ireland Gender: Male |
I hope that's a promise
Pray | Posted: 17:17:11 29th May 2006 |
Posts: 2255 Topics: 147 Location: United States Gender: Male |
...interiority, the attack will be over in 10 minutes.
Hope | Posted: 17:18:47 29th May 2006 |
Posts: 6522 Topics: 415 Location: United Kingdom Gender: Male |
and coords wouldnt help anyway:
PathFinder | Posted: 17:20:43 29th May 2006 |
Posts: 221 Topics: 17 Location: Canada Gender: Male |
int, ill sell you the coords cheeper than Dogg will.
interiority | Posted: 17:23:04 29th May 2006 |
Posts: 1238 Topics: 152 Location: Ireland Gender: Male |
Posted: 00:10:03 30th May 2006 :