Berserkas | Posted: 11:37:36 14th Jan 2006 |
Posts: 1515 Topics: 32 Gender: Male |
no you shouldnt
Frost Monarch | Posted: 12:12:51 14th Jan 2006 |
Posts: 748 Topics: 39 Gender: Male |
What I dont know cant hurt me. I dare you to post it in english, I double dare you. Exactly. No cursing in english, lith, french, spanish, german, russian, or any other languages. So delete all the swear words or censor them before we get some accounts suspended.
Berserkas | Posted: 12:39:55 14th Jan 2006 |
Posts: 1515 Topics: 32 Gender: Male |
HAHAHAHA thats rich
Berserkas | Posted: 12:42:37 14th Jan 2006 |
Posts: 1515 Topics: 32 Gender: Male |
geez neggy, your f
Berserkas | Posted: 12:43:16 14th Jan 2006 |
Posts: 1515 Topics: 32 Gender: Male |
Frost Monarch | Posted: 12:58:25 14th Jan 2006 |
Posts: 748 Topics: 39 Gender: Male |
MBIK | Posted: 15:32:18 14th Jan 2006 |
Posts: 1832 Topics: 84 Location: Lithuania Gender: Male |
This topic surely has to be in Lithuanians forum.
Berserkas | Posted: 15:34:07 14th Jan 2006 |
Posts: 1515 Topics: 32 Gender: Male |
Frost Monarch | Posted: 15:38:06 14th Jan 2006 |
Posts: 748 Topics: 39 Gender: Male |
because like the majority of SL I cant understand lithuanian.
Professor | Posted: 20:14:50 14th Jan 2006 |
Posts: 5830 Topics: 405 Location: China Gender: Male ISP: MSN |
Well, general forum should be english only, but off topic can be off topic in Lith if there is a reason that it would be better posted in that space rather than the Lith forum.