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Frost Monarch Posted: 15:01:43 5th Dec 2005

Posts: 748

Topics: 39

Gender: Male

Getting me suspeded.

Leader of US Confederation
Freedom is not free.

14:24:50 | Vigilante planet Rouge II has been captured by Frost Monarch, IDG Elite Force.
14:24:50 | Vigilante has been defeated by Frost Monarch.
23:15:26 | nineyII planet RememberTheP

Infernal Shadow Posted: 15:18:40 5th Dec 2005

Posts: 2410

Topics: 184

Gender: Male

*thwaps deemers* now im being mean to u aswell :D:P

This Useless Post Was Brought To You By Infernal Shadow

Power corrupts. Absolute power is even more fun

Deemers Posted: 15:26:31 5th Dec 2005

Posts: 4189

Topics: 112

Gender: Male

*fixes bagpipes and continues to play, then gives up finally and walks sadly to his ship and flies off and plays the bagpipes there where devona will not disturb him......*

Carpet salesmen your majesty, legions of them! Our troops were overrun by their absurdly loud sales pitches!
Cry Havok, Ruin, Destruction and Decay. Death is the worst of them, and Death will have his day.

Not back yet!

Infernal Shadow Posted: 15:29:03 5th Dec 2005

Posts: 2410

Topics: 184

Gender: Male

*shoots laser through deemers hull blowing up his bagpipes*

This Useless Post Was Brought To You By Infernal Shadow

Power corrupts. Absolute power is even more fun

Griffin Vengance Posted: 15:33:25 5th Dec 2005

Posts: 3292

Topics: 197

Location: United Kingdom

Gender: Male

Will everybody STOP firing lasers indiscrimately in my space?

*kicks Deemers, IS and Devona out with his special enormous boot*

00:01:23 | Griffin Vengance has been defeated by Shadow Stalker.

Proof that nagging really does work!

Deemers Posted: 15:34:25 5th Dec 2005

Posts: 4189

Topics: 112

Gender: Male

*looks at decoy ship with a laser flying through it*

Alas poor decoy. I knew thee well.

*jumps to hyperspace with bagpipes playing*

Carpet salesmen your majesty, legions of them! Our troops were overrun by their absurdly loud sales pitches!
Cry Havok, Ruin, Destruction and Decay. Death is the worst of them, and Death will have his day.

Not back yet!

Infernal Shadow Posted: 15:38:05 5th Dec 2005

Posts: 2410

Topics: 184

Gender: Male

*sees bagpipes floating in space playing but no ships nearby*

damn he musta left these behind

*picks up bagpipes and drops off into sun*

This Useless Post Was Brought To You By Infernal Shadow

Power corrupts. Absolute power is even more fun

Griffin Vengance Posted: 15:40:52 5th Dec 2005

Posts: 3292

Topics: 197

Location: United Kingdom

Gender: Male

If you insist on playing strange music in my space...

*rigs up enormous speakers that by some strange scientific gismo work in space*


00:01:23 | Griffin Vengance has been defeated by Shadow Stalker.

Proof that nagging really does work!

Infernal Shadow Posted: 15:46:28 5th Dec 2005

Posts: 2410

Topics: 184

Gender: Male

*launches entire arsenal at speakers and disinfects the entire 4mill parsecs surrounding area of space*

This Useless Post Was Brought To You By Infernal Shadow

Power corrupts. Absolute power is even more fun

Griffin Vengance Posted: 15:52:28 5th Dec 2005

Posts: 3292

Topics: 197

Location: United Kingdom

Gender: Male


I own the other 4 million parsecs.

You know, the area inbetween the last warp and the BZ? :-d

00:01:23 | Griffin Vengance has been defeated by Shadow Stalker.

Proof that nagging really does work!

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