Coce | Posted: 20:08:39 28th Aug 2005 |
Posts: 5909 Topics: 134 Location: Brunei Darussalam Gender: Male |
rugby is better
superguy | Posted: 14:39:06 29th Aug 2005 |
Posts: 2410 Topics: 60 Location: Germany Gender: Male |
Infernal Shadow | Posted: 15:05:26 29th Aug 2005 |
Posts: 2410 Topics: 184 Gender: Male |
MadMax1967 | Posted: 00:15:32 3rd Sep 2005 |
Posts: 442 Topics: 53 Location: United States Gender: Male |
Hey superguy If U don't like the people or countries that take part in this game why don't U just take your bad attitude somewhere else.....And a little Fyi The Brits were the only ones to stand up when everyone else turned their backs on us during our darkest hour and continue to do so....and you are really misinformed Abe we would have went to war with or without the help
Infernal Shadow | Posted: 04:32:56 3rd Sep 2005 |
Posts: 2410 Topics: 184 Gender: Male |
yeah but you wouldve spent more time shooting your own soldiers
MadMax1967 | Posted: 06:13:42 3rd Sep 2005 |
Posts: 442 Topics: 53 Location: United States Gender: Male |
U know what Shadow I once took a pub apart over there for less than your smart ass just said....come blow to blow with us someday punk then U will get your F
Infernal Shadow | Posted: 06:19:42 3rd Sep 2005 |
Posts: 2410 Topics: 184 Gender: Male |
well its true in the first week or so of the war most of our own soldiers died from friendly fire
Devona | Posted: 06:33:11 3rd Sep 2005 |
Posts: 1022 Topics: 33 Location: United States Gender: Female |
Considering there are many players in this game who are related to the military in both countries, you should all have more consideration for comments you make. This is a simple topic about England being victorious over Australia in cricket... i mean.. come on, why'd you have to turn it into a political brawl arguing about allied countries, jabbing each other, its just not excusable.
Infernal Shadow | Posted: 06:36:10 3rd Sep 2005 |
Posts: 2410 Topics: 184 Gender: Male |
i was just stating a fact
Infernal Shadow | Posted: 06:37:27 3rd Sep 2005 |
Posts: 2410 Topics: 184 Gender: Male |
also had no intentions of