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AdvocatusDiaboli Posted: 18:38:46 9th Nov 2003

Posts: 993

Topics: 121

Location: United Kingdom

Gender: Male

My ship "Devourer" has now 4% experience, but only 1000 defence left. How can i increse the defence? Can`t i repair the ship? I wan`t my experienced pilots not to fly an damaged ship.

I am the master of The Swarm!
I keep the memorial to the past!
I am the Future Like the great dragon I will consume you!

Angushawk Posted: 01:55:17 10th Nov 2003

Posts: 61

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Gender: Male

I agree with Chaos:)

I love stealing peoples fuel to 6 uranium and leaving their ange of's great to not fight....

I have yet to build a fighter out of training:)

Chaos Posted: 01:58:11 10th Nov 2003

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Location: Lithuania

Gender: Male

I asked earlier about repairing ships. I think there's no way to do this... at least for now ;)

Waiting for technical singularity in 2035.

Chaos Posted: 07:51:37 10th Nov 2003

Posts: 6679

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Location: Lithuania

Gender: Male

Why there's nobody in battle zone :o Or it's full of invisible ships, lol :]

Waiting for technical singularity in 2035.

AdvocatusDiaboli Posted: 08:13:53 10th Nov 2003

Posts: 993

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Location: United Kingdom

Gender: Male

i destroyed everyone Muhaha! ( inclusive my own ship :-P )

I am the master of The Swarm!
I keep the memorial to the past!
I am the Future Like the great dragon I will consume you!

SP Confederalion Posted: 13:52:53 3rd Apr 2004

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Get in THE way but stay out of our OUR way.

Evil Dr Abe Posted: 15:13:25 3rd Apr 2004

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Location: United Kingdom

Gender: Male

Right new battle in the battle zone all go NOW

I am the Knight of Choas ALL FEAR ME

You will not stand to my charge
You shall feel my wrath

I sally from my Great Citidel of Hell

TiTo Posted: 15:16:44 3rd Apr 2004

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lol i aint going if my ships aint good enough :P

thats just a waste :D

prabably the most annoying noob you'll ever deal with :D

cool guy Posted: 07:16:38 4th Apr 2004

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Location: United Kingdom

Gender: Male

It's a bit cool that u don't need uranium to goto the battle zone

S.Mendis Sri Lanka

The shadow is the shadow it covers or it doesn't

use it wisely.

Life is hard,tough

but can be fun

make the most of it................

Elvenlord Posted: 11:06:26 4th Apr 2004

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ISP: Road Runner

yea but its a pain flying back

In Memory of Highlander 6-11-04

The General of Lords of Honour

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