Topic Title: my last shot at this (Simple Topic)

Topic starter: MUADIB

Topic started: 13:27:17 14th Mar 2004

Posts: 4 Last post: 05:30:18 15th Mar 2004 by Evil Dr Abe

MUADIB Posted: 13:27:17 14th Mar 2004

Posts: 2

Topics: 9

Gender: Male

can you creat fighters with hyper drives? cause this is gonna suck if i just get stuck with 3 planets. and should i leave this on while im sleeping or does this acrew even when i log off..? so confused.. yesterday there where lik 6 planets near me now non is that common or does the game rotate them as well..

MUADIB Posted: 13:37:13 14th Mar 2004

Posts: 2

Topics: 9

Gender: Male

can you creat fighters with hyper drive? or assualts with hyper drives. im lost here.

pyrofromhell2 Posted: 13:56:20 14th Mar 2004

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suicide is your way of telling God "You cant fir me, I QUIT"

The old pyro is gone, the new one is back with avengence.

Leader of Angels of Hell JR.

thabin Posted: 13:57:21 14th Mar 2004

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No, assaults and fighters have inter-galactic flight only, no hyper drive. Everything carries on wether you're logged on or not so your resources will continue to grow all the time

This is not war, this is pest control.
You are superior to us in one respect... you are better at dieing!

Evil Dr Abe Posted: 05:30:18 15th Mar 2004

Posts: 287

Topics: 36

Location: United Kingdom

Gender: Male

but until you log on no one will notice the growing of resources they get undated when you log on

I am the Knight of Choas ALL FEAR ME

You will not stand to my charge
You shall feel my wrath

I sally from my Great Citidel of Hell

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