Topic Title: Zygs....Why has Warhawk been suspended? (Simple Topic)

Topic starter: Fire Demon

Topic started: 17:56:10 7th Mar 2004

Posts: 11 Last post: 17:19:14 8th Mar 2004 by Delloman

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Fire Demon Posted: 17:56:10 7th Mar 2004

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Zygi.. Warhawk wasn't cheating, and was active.. wats the deal?

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the sky like drops of rain, and
the earth is scorched and burning
hot, you know it will be thine end
for the Fire Demon has come.

AdvocatusDiaboli Posted: 18:06:36 7th Mar 2004

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was he cheating???

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Zygimantas Posted: 00:36:10 8th Mar 2004

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Yes, he was cheating.

pyrofromhell2 Posted: 06:01:03 8th Mar 2004

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what was he doing

suicide is your way of telling God "You cant fir me, I QUIT"

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Fallen Warhawk Posted: 07:37:06 8th Mar 2004

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Yes This is Warhawk, I had multiple accounts....not that i'd used them recently so 'cheating' is abit harsh....but i did 'cheat'. I'm gonna delete this account just thought i'd tell the truth.

Firedemon i asked Zygi to give u my two main planets.....if he did it or not i have no idea, the biggest one (if u did get it) distribute amoungst the new members of TS juniors....the 5 mil defence one named "Warhawk HQ 2 sol" belongs to Soltrais, i was looking after it for him so return it when he comes back ok?

Well it was fun :D lol, shame i cheated :(

Laters guys

thabin Posted: 07:43:51 8th Mar 2004

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Well, what do you say to that? Nice one Warhawk, at least you had the balls to come here and admit it, which is more than can be said for hbfrance.

Nothing to stop you coming back and playing with just the one account though (well with Zygi's say so of course)

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Zygimantas Posted: 07:49:48 8th Mar 2004

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surely you come back. but if you will try to register second account, you will be deleted again.

Evil Dr Abe Posted: 09:09:42 8th Mar 2004

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i think thats fair enough at least he had the guts to admit he was worng unlike the back stabber hbfrance

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Match Posted: 09:36:23 8th Mar 2004

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Ya! Give him another chance!

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YuGi Posted: 10:02:05 8th Mar 2004

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yeah at least he was honest :clap:

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pyrofromhell2 Posted: 16:05:40 8th Mar 2004

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woot woot give him another chance

suicide is your way of telling God "You cant fir me, I QUIT"

The old pyro is gone, the new one is back with avengence.

Leader of Angels of Hell JR.

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