Topic Title: Yeti Stage dive (Simple Topic)

Topic starter: Arkania

Topic started: 10:11:12 13th Apr 2005

Posts: 15 Last post: 21:04:38 15th Apr 2005 by Deemers

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Arkania Posted: 10:11:12 13th Apr 2005

Posts: 121

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Have fun :D

"Live your life, Ignore heros"

Anarchy in da Galaxy

Neronis Posted: 10:36:37 13th Apr 2005

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awesome - a new one :D

roll one up, live life, lick my face and call me Mary!
Less of a space cowboy - more of a heffer in space

Chaos Posted: 11:38:54 13th Apr 2005

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Cool... Now how the heck do I use my mouse clicks? Can't see any difference if I click or not :O
Got only 30 points, this :censored:

Waiting for technical singularity in 2035.

Match Posted: 15:00:02 13th Apr 2005

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This is hard........ i only got 21.....

The Infamous and Defeatable Old Veteran... LoL!

Deemers Posted: 16:13:51 13th Apr 2005

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i got 32....and the high score is like 300 odd. :S

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bpmsac Posted: 18:46:25 13th Apr 2005

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35.75 woohoo

When they kick at your front door How you gonna come? With your hands on your head Or on the trigger of your gun When the law break in, How you gonna go? Shot down on the pavement Or waiting on death row
-Chaos in Da Galaxy
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Chaos Posted: 22:26:25 13th Apr 2005

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Ooh then my score is OK but how do people get 300 :O
Bleh cheaters probably.

Waiting for technical singularity in 2035.

Arkainia Posted: 04:06:34 14th Apr 2005

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LOL you just got to click it at exactly the right time to keep him bouncing.. Ive only got 70 odd but better than you men :P

" Live your life, Ignore heros "

Anarchy in da Galaxy

DustHawk Posted: 06:07:36 14th Apr 2005

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lol, the best I've done is 30.

Welcome to the Dark forest! you'll find me there, were thoughts come true and were your nightmares are born. Step into my world, step into the Dark Forest.

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Lord Hsirhc Posted: 09:41:48 14th Apr 2005

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I got 30.6


Astlan Cal Serention

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Chaos Posted: 11:41:31 14th Apr 2005

Posts: 6679

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Location: Lithuania

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>but better than you men

Well, that hit my self-esteem... A lot... ]:-(
Now I'll play this till I beat 70 poitns, even if it takes 12 hours straight :D

Waiting for technical singularity in 2035.

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