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AdvocatusDiaboli Posted: 11:26:56 26th Feb 2004

Posts: 993

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Location: United Kingdom

Gender: Male

the strangest thing i ever found was a system with 3 planets named the same, names where the automatical give names when planets apppered, also 1 of the 2 transporters (1000 volume start ups) had the same name

I am the master of The Swarm!
I keep the memorial to the past!
I am the Future Like the great dragon I will consume you!

zyx Posted: 05:55:08 26th Mar 2004

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Planet ID:438 has 14 gathering points, all other planets has max 13 gathering points now ;)

Fire Demon Posted: 06:05:57 26th Mar 2004

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hehe.. that must be handy..

When the fire comes down from
the sky like drops of rain, and
the earth is scorched and burning
hot, you know it will be thine end
for the Fire Demon has come.

Stiks Posted: 11:23:16 26th Mar 2004

Posts: 181

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i've found a planet that spawned on the sun or something.. there were 2 planets both sp one on the sun and one 2 diagnal parsecs away it was 2 mill def and i dont have the coords anymore (wish i did)

Yes i am a pirate and if you wonder why, it is because i can be.

did i empty your assault he he

Fire Demon Posted: 15:09:56 26th Mar 2004

Posts: 454

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Location: Canada

Gender: Male


So how did you know it was on the sun, would they take turns at appearing or something?

When the fire comes down from
the sky like drops of rain, and
the earth is scorched and burning
hot, you know it will be thine end
for the Fire Demon has come.

TiTo Posted: 15:14:24 26th Mar 2004

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prabably the most annoying noob you'll ever deal with :D

zyx Posted: 08:35:49 27th Mar 2004

Posts: 1976

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Location: Lithuania

Gender: Male

Thats may be true cause my homeplanet is under sun too ;)
It has the same coords as sun has...
Ass I said in my first post...

Match Posted: 23:15:14 27th Mar 2004

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I have a planet that doesn't even have a sun! LoL...

The Infamous and Defeatable Old Veteran... LoL!

Stiks Posted: 02:43:38 28th Mar 2004

Posts: 181

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Location: United States

Gender: Male

have u looked around i've ran into a few planets that the sun can only be seen if you go like 2 or 3 parsecs down or up or left, ect.....
That would be interesting though..
And how i know it was on the sun was the nearby coords from 1 planet was the sun and you could try to capture or spy it. and it wasn't above or below it either but it never switched with the sun.. never captured it it was over a mill and i was on my 2nd round when the planets limit was still 4 without credits..

hmmm if only i could find that sheet of paper... is its name chimera zyx?? :D

Yes i am a pirate and if you wonder why, it is because i can be.

did i empty your assault he he

zyx Posted: 21:33:59 28th Mar 2004

Posts: 1976

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Location: Lithuania

Gender: Male

Now i renamed it. Maybe that was chimera maybe not i dont remember.

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