RACE: Van Derra
HW: Twilight Citadel
LEADER(s): Chaos, The First Emperor
Government: 7 member Senate (only the best are chosen, by instant telepatic conference) and emperor (elected by Senate).
Hyperjump Capability Reached: 587 Years ago (Van Derra's unique ability was developed earleir, but it was limited to their planet).
Description: Van Derra race evolved from the humans. After the III Great Colonization and Age Of Isolation, when Earth lost communications with many of their colonies because of civil wars, they were left in a planet called Twilight Citadel, alone. Because of unique factors of the planet, they developed strong telepatic and even magic powers (other races prefer not to call them "magic" . Van Derras can actually move in space without any technical devices (they can hyperjump in limited distances around the planet). They can also distort space and time in limited area (this consumers a lot of energy though). This ability later became the most feared weapon of Van Derra, when they finally to make it strong enough and build it into their ships.
Their extraordinary powers were a double sided medalion, because it stopped their technical progress. They became agraric community after Isolation. Also, their strange planet didn't have any minerals or fuel, needed to build Earth like technology. So later they started developing unique technology, nothing alike Earth one. They used crystals as computers, frames for ships, and communication stations (these crystals are unique and can be created only in Twilight Citadel - they have the power to transmit telepatic sygnals and store enormous amount of energy, needed for activating Chaos Weapon).
Van Derras look a lot like humans, except they are bit taller, their hair color is unusual (blue or purple is a natural color for example), and their most powerful Adepts (those who can control their "magic" abilities best) have a glow in their eyes.
Van Derras usually prefer peaceful trading, however, they fight their enemies with all they have. Ever since their outpost was attacked by a swarm of organic spaceships, their goal was to rid the galaxy of this scourge.
Waiting for technical singularity in 2035.