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Republic Commando Posted: 17:38:42 2nd Nov 2004

Posts: 97

Topics: 7

Location: United States

Gender: Male

*surrenders to Duo's fleet*

Apollo 8 Posted: 18:32:23 2nd Nov 2004

Posts: 77

Topics: 5

Location: United States

*asks permission to deal with RC3 as he wishes*

"The universe is a cruel place to make a living.Even though I am beaten and battered, I WON'T GIVE UP!!"

Member of SIBC

Another day, another account gone to the wind.

Yahoo IM:Explorers012

Griffin 3542 Posted: 09:36:10 3rd Nov 2004

Posts: 730

Topics: 17

Location: United Kingdom

Gender: Male

I'll send over Commodore Malintai (he's a chinese guy, brilliant with tactical advice) and Captain Somerset of the HMS Victory. They will be sended over this time WITH bodyguards and psi-helmets.

To try is to fail.
To resist is to die.
To try and resist is suicide.

Loyal member of Shikshiena Jrs.

Republic Commando Posted: 13:27:45 3rd Nov 2004

Posts: 97

Topics: 7

Location: United States

Gender: Male

*gets put in a tank filled with water so he can not escape and he is given a shot so if the tank isn't ever drained rc3 will never awake*

Griffin 3542 Posted: 13:45:55 3rd Nov 2004

Posts: 730

Topics: 17

Location: United Kingdom

Gender: Male

Outgoing Transmission:
I am very suspicious of enemy ship Beta Quad 56. It looks like a mutiny is going on and ERC3 was on there... Ah thats it.
Commander Griffin to Ambassador team.
Come in!
THATS IT! I am activating transport system. I am getting both my ambassadors (if they're alive) and ERC3. We cannot do negotiations if he is imprisoned.

To try is to fail.
To resist is to die.
To try and resist is suicide.

Loyal member of Shikshiena Jrs.

Apollo 8 Posted: 15:13:37 3rd Nov 2004

Posts: 77

Topics: 5

Location: United States

*sends an assualt team to dock with the mutinying ship and try to gain control of it.*
*gains control of the bridge*

"The universe is a cruel place to make a living.Even though I am beaten and battered, I WON'T GIVE UP!!"

Member of SIBC

Another day, another account gone to the wind.

Yahoo IM:Explorers012

Griffin 3542 Posted: 01:13:26 4th Nov 2004

Posts: 730

Topics: 17

Location: United Kingdom

Gender: Male

Understood. The ship has a crew complement of 500; hence 100 of my best troops are boarding it. Make sure nobody else takes that as an example.

To try is to fail.
To resist is to die.
To try and resist is suicide.

Loyal member of Shikshiena Jrs.

Apollo 8 Posted: 15:41:38 4th Nov 2004

Posts: 77

Topics: 5

Location: United States

*orders my troops to jam and boobytrap the doors*

My troops are havin problems, a little help?

"The universe is a cruel place to make a living.Even though I am beaten and battered, I WON'T GIVE UP!!"

Member of SIBC

Another day, another account gone to the wind.

Yahoo IM:Explorers012

Griffin 3542 Posted: 01:15:40 5th Nov 2004

Posts: 730

Topics: 17

Location: United Kingdom

Gender: Male

My troops are boarding. They are split into 2 squadrons; Aplha Squad and Delta Force. Delta Force will secure ERC3 while Alpha Squad will head the bridge to secure the ship. Commander Maxwell, please fire a warning shot at their hyperdrive engines and disable them on my mark...NOW!
*Beta Squadron brings much needed help to Apollo's commandos*

To try is to fail.
To resist is to die.
To try and resist is suicide.

Loyal member of Shikshiena Jrs.

Shadow Stalker Posted: 10:10:58 5th Nov 2004

Posts: 11468

Topics: 322

Location: United Kingdom

Gender: Male

*wen suddenly a deranged Shadow Stalker jumps out of thier hyperdrive engines and runs away*

It's allways been my fault

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